Tidbit: Patent Office announces the results of the Patent Agent Examination 2011

Our Patent Office announced the results of the Patent Agent examination held in January 2011 today. The results are available on the website of the Patent Office here.  Unlike last time, Individual lists for each city have not been released.
The overall pass percentage for the exam is approximately 18.45%.  Out of 1089 candidates who appeared for viva and written examination, only 201 have passed and the result seems to be similar to that of the 2010 examination. 
Our hearty congratulations to those who have cleared the exam!!

39 thoughts on “Tidbit: Patent Office announces the results of the Patent Agent Examination 2011”

  1. Is there any chance to reveiw the application. I am confident that I could have qualified the exam, at least 60%. But I got only 57.17%. Please advise me.

  2. Please check the facts before posting. Individual lists of respective patent offices is there in Annex I.

    Delhi: 72
    Chennai: 34
    Kolkata: 06 (Even when lefts have left??)
    Mumbai: 89 (Congrats!)

    Rarely Anon

  3. Rarely Anon: Last time individual lists (four separate ones) were provided and we had provided links to each. This time it is just one Annex that has been uploaded.
    I apologize for the confusion caused.

  4. @ Priyanka
    I doubt there is any .. even I tried hard to find one last year .. I missed by a few marks and I was confident that I should have been through .. so I wanted some means if I could see the valuated paper .. this is a serious issue which I feel the Patent Office should look into .. more so since the PA Exam is getting so competitive by the day .. would love to hear others learned opinion on this issue ???

  5. Please let me know if teher is any chance to review the valuated papers. why everytime same thing happens. We are loosing out the qualification just by few marks. it becomes very difficult to everytime think of giving the exam. it has become scary. Please suggest me.

  6. Congratulations…to all successful candidates. I completely agree about the idea of giving a chance to review the evaluated papers to the candidates.

  7. For those who consider on rechecking their papers

    In my knowledge, there is no provision of re-evaluate or re-total, but what you can do is get the copies of your exam papers through RTI Act. You can contact the CG Office or the RTI officer for that. I know this has been done before. You will be asked to pay the cost of copies as per the RTI Act and then can get the copies.

    You can then see if there has been some mistake in correction or totaling. In my opinion, if there is any clear mistake you can request for some review, maybe like some petition. I think it would work only if there should be a clear mistake in correction, just consideration that the marks in a question could have been higher may not be enough, since in situation questions there can be different ways of answering and are subject to interpretation.

    however the first place to start is get copies of your exam papers, then see what can be done.

    Congrats to those who cleared and best of luck for those trying.

  8. Claim drafting is both a science and art and one that comes with practice. Our recommendation to all candidates is to draft claims after reading detailed specification. These can be obtained from WIPO/PCT/USPTO/EPO sites. Then compare with the claims on file and the final granted/patented claims. You simply cannot expect to walk in the examination (Paper-II) and draft claims for the first time on paper.

    Although I have not mathematically analyzed the marks in papers 1, 2 and viva, it seems (to me) that like last time paper II is the cause of either passing or failing for a candidate. Which means that candidates should really focus on claim drafting and preparing a specification.

    My observations regarding the viva remain the same-it should be done away with because of the extent of discretion involved.

  9. Can you please advise me how I can approach RTI office or cg office for review of my exam papers. I want to know whether application in hard copy needs to be submitted or it can be done by email. Please advise me. I really want to see my papers. If at all there is no modification, at least I would come to know my mistakes so that I can improve it next time. Please suggest me the most possible route to get this done.

  10. Do anyone have knowledge about the parameters followed on paper (PA Exam) evaluation? Its not about questioning the standards followed but how the consistency maintained in the evaluation step? For objective questions or questions like: fill in the blanks or true or false, one can maintain the parity but for subjective questions…Parity seems to be in doubt.

  11. @ Preston Richard

    Thank you for providing the remedy, and the only way out I presume, to review the papers. I absolutely agree with you on the point that such review would only be successful in the face of some gross error on part of the Office. but the problem is aspiring Agents mostly do not want to cross lines with the office by filing an RTI. It would have been better if some Rule or provision could have been incorporated in the Act itself for such

  12. Paper II seems to be the deciding one in general, but what if one has cleared Paper II and Viva-voice, and not the paper I? Does it means the candidate have a fair knowledge of drafting good claims and possibly lucky enough to get through the viva-voice without having substantial exposure to Indian Patent Act?

  13. Hi Priyanka, I have been trying to contact Patent office for same. RTI has to be submitted in hardcopy along with DD or cash. All the best.

  14. The Viva needs to be scrapped from the Patent Agent Exam with immediate effect. There is absolutely no uniformity in the scores, which are hugely and randomly varying based on different regional centers and even different panels. I doubt there are even any set standardized parameters for such valuation. Candidates having awfully low scores in the written papers have stunning scores in viva, proving the disparity on the face of it. Even people barely managing the fifty percentile requirement in the written papers is using the viva score as the spring board to get the overall sixty, while there are also instances of candidates failing viva but clearing the written papers. The question set being asked at viva also varies from -infinity to +infinity leaving the candidates heavily confused how to go about it. I agree situations are never ideal but I doubt if its even equitable.

    Would love to hear others comments on this issue

  15. Certainly, patterns of marks vary differently based on regional centers. I don’t have exact idea about the marks given by the different panels on Viva, but believe that the marks pattern hugely differs from panel to panel. Not only the Viva but also the evaluation system of papers is in doubt. For, Viva, one can get a fare idea about what kind of questions been asked, how was the response of panel on answers given, etc., though it is still uncertain what will be one’s fate on Viva, but for the evaluation of papers none have the clue how the papers are being marked, what parameters the valuer follow, handwriting issues also effect the marking. Therefore, it is felt that the whole pattern of Patent Agent Exam is outdated and there is a immediate need to change.

  16. @ priyanka

    Pls let me know if RTI works for you because i alos want to see my papers i lost it by 1.66% only. its painful.

  17. Can any one suggest what should be strategy for drafting best claims in PA exam when you don’t have much time to concentrate? How to give your best in drafting exercise during the exam? Please suggest

  18. persons who want justice in their written papers can file RTI Application asking for photocopies of Answer Sheets. The format for the same is in the ipindia website itself.

  19. Every year the same music is heard when the results are out. We all keep on discussing the same issue – marks, some possible way-out, changes to be made, standards of valuation and so on. Why can’t our views unite together on some possible rather implementable changes in the pattern of exam and the evaluation standards? I would like to request all eminent IP professionals, expertise (like Shamnad) and also to all IP professionals to kindly take this matter seriously, so that we all can welcome the desired change.

  20. Approach the RTI officers, they will be able to tell you what to do. The list of RTI officers can more details on RTI can be found here http://ipindia.nic.in/rti/index.htm

    RTI Act is not the perfect solution for this problem, so hope PTO finds another process or gives the model answers to this.

    It is discretion of the person correcting the paper to award you the points, therefore it is not advised to get into argument unless there is a gross error, it will just leave a bad taste, accept it gracefully and try changing for the next time.

  21. Priyanka where did you give the exam and viva? People seem to be discussing that there is a lady who runs a coaching institute for patent agent examination; she was on the panel who set the question paper and she was also one of the people who took viva for some lucky (or unlucky) examinees?
    In your RTI please be sure to ask about the composition of the panel who set the question paper and the viva.

  22. @ Anonymous 7.11 pm

    The lady that you are referring to is the Director of IIPS, Mumbai – Ms. Maheshwari.

    She was on the Mumbai Viva panel while her students were giving exams from the Mumbai centre.

    It has been orally told to me that Ms. Maheshwari has instructed her students to NOT tell their respective Viva panels that they are from IIPS – I cannot vouch for this – this was orally told to my an IIPS student.

    However, I am concerned on how a Director of an IP Institute can be on the panel – especially when the Institute’ students are giving the same exam!!! Was this conflict clarified to Patent OFfice at the time of accepting the Viva panel responsibility?

    Another Anon.

  23. I dont understand why people are saying that it will give a bad impact if RTI is filed. I think atleast students will come to knwo where they got wrong and what was the mistake in the paper so that it can be improved next time. But what if you get the same result yera after year. I would also request PTO to provide the solutions to both paper I and II. but this is a serious issue and we should all join this. I would request senior IP professionals to make PA exam qualifying but not competitive. Last time examination was very conceptual. I got 57% in that exam. This time paper was very simple and direct, then also I got same marks. Where the difference lies, I dont know.

    But I would like to reveiw my paper once.

  24. the viva should be scrapped once and for all. There are totally varying marks which are dependent on the interview panel and their thinking . I had answered all the questions of the interview panel and was expecting atleast 80 but only got 60 and could not clear the exam and feels shameful and that it is not an open secret that some people from some patent depts are on the panels and give high marks to their students .

    Does uspto and epo have viva as part of their exams can anybody advise. if they dont have then why do we have the viva which gives an opportunity for all this favoritism mess etc.

    I would request the CG and the exam board to consider having scrapping the viva and have only the written exam……..

  25. HI ABC,

    is it bad if v file RTI?

    Even am in need of my answer sheets..

    s it possible to get?

    can someone guide me?

    It will be helpfull if students get their answer scripts .


  26. I tried to contact cg office. But there was no positive reply for query in respect of PA exam. I was only told that they cannot help in this regard. if you wish u may approach RTI. when I asked the procedure they denied making any statement reagrding this. Can any one please suggest me how should I approach to file a RTI application. I saw that the fee for filing RTI is Rs 10. I want the xerox copies of my answer sheets. Ho much fees I should pay.

    Please suggest me the convenient route. What I felt is that the IPO people doesn’t want to entertain any such matters related to PA exam. This becomes very embarrassing for us where we don’t know how much to improve to qualify this exam.

  27. Hi,

    We are a bunch of law students and run an initiative called Infocracy India (www.infocracyindia.org) which is promoting RTI activism among law students.

    In case you want, our group would be glad to help you out on this. Please leave me a message on facebook or add me on it (www.facebook.com/tanujkalia). My email ID is tanuj[at]lawctopus.com

    In case you want general guidelines like: what questions to ask etc. you can also search for some sample applications. Do search this website called Kabir.

    An RTI application is very easy to file; it is as easy as writing a letter and the fees is nominal: a 10 rupee postal order is the application fee and rupees 2 per page is charged as photocopying charges.

    Also, various information commissions as well as our courts have repeatedly held that a student can see her answer sheets etc. So, you have the right tool with you which will get your queries answered!

    PS- I’ll be a little slow on emails as I am doing an internship.

    If you add me on Facebook though, our FB group (Infocrats) will be able to churn a nice RTI application for you in less than a day. Happy to help!

  28. Our patent office is one lazy system. Even though the results have been declared for 2010 and 2011, the list of agents is provided only till April 1, 2010.
    Can’t the patent office update its list.

  29. To all those who are planning to file an RTI please check out a subsequent post which has been put up by Prashant Reddy relating to the same. Read the comment section also to get more detailed information about the same. Things are not repeated here in my post for the sake of brevity.

    @Tanuj .. thank you for providing a helping hand. please check whether Rs 2 per page as specified in the RTI Act would be applicable in this case, as the Patent Act spell out a hefty Rs 4 per page for photocopying in the Fees.

  30. Congratulations to all the successful candidates.

    An observation made on my part is that, the blog is not publicizing much about the Patent Agent Examination and related matters this year, as compared to the last year where we got to hear about the toppers and even a statistical analysis of the results. Do not know if there is any specific reason for such this time, but I guess bloggers and prospective examinees welcome such posts to get a better idea of things

  31. Is it true that the PA Exam will be held once again this year ? Apparently, there were too many applicants in the Jan-2011.

  32. may i know where did u got this news that PA exam may held once again this year. Is it really true? Pleae confirm this.

  33. Any reason why the Patent office decided to stop holding the exam twice a year?
    Now we have to wait for a whole year for it.

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